Monday, 24th February 2025

St Columbanus celebrations

Posted on 08. Oct, 2014 by in Carousel

Opening of the Jubilee Year marking the 1400th anniversary of the death of St Columbanus

St Columbanus (died 615)

St Columbanus (died 615)

Programme of events for the celebrations which were held in Rome from 10th to 12th October 2014:

Friday, 10th October 2014

17.00: Ecumenical Vespers in the Basilica of San Clemente, Via Labicana 95. Presided over by Bishop Noel Treanor, Bishop of Down and Connor and Archbishop Sir David Moxon, personal representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Holy See.

21.15: Basilica of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Piazza della Minerva: Concert given by ‘The Priests’, Fr. Eugene O’Hagan, Fr. Martin O’Hagan and Fr. David Delargy.

Saturday, 11th October

16.30: Solemn liturgical reception of the reliquary of St Columbanus from Bobbio at the Basilica of St John Lateran.

17.00: Solemn concelebrated Mass in the Basilica of St John Lateran.  Principal Celebrant: Agostino Cardinal Vallini, Vicar General for the Diocese of Rome.

Sunday, 12th October

09.00: Solemn concelebrated Mass in the Basilica of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Piazza della Minerva. Principal Celebrant, Seán Cardinal Brady, Archbishop Emeritus of Armagh.

Child safeguarding training

Posted on 07. Oct, 2014 by in Carousel

Child Safeguarding Training


Mr Niall Moore, Training Manager of the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland, visited the Pontifical Irish College, Rome, from 5th to 8th October 2014 to provide child safeguarding training in specialised sessions for each group resident in the College: seminarians, postgraduate priests, and formation staff.

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Posted on 07. Oct, 2014 by in Carousel

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Dominic prostrate

Congratulations to the following former seminarians of the Irish College, who were ordained to the Priesthood during Summer-Autumn 2014:

Fr Dominic McGrattan was ordained for the Diocese of Down and Connor by Bishop Noël Treanor on Sunday, 29th June 2014 in St Patrick’s Church, Portaferry, Co. Down.

Fr Liam Boyle was ordained for the Diocese of Raphoe by Bishop Philip Boyce OCD on Sunday, 7th September 2014 in the Cathedral of St Eunan, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal.

Fr Declan Kelly was ordained for the Diocese of Meath by Bishop Michael Smith on Sunday, 21st September 2014 in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.

Doctoral Defence: Fr Juan Medina Coronel

Posted on 07. Oct, 2014 by in Carousel

Fr Juan

Congratulations to Fr Juan Manuel Medina Coronel , of the Diocese of Chiclayo, Peru, of the Irish College postgraduate community, who successfully defended his thesis, ‘La integridad de la naturaleza humana de Cristo en las Cartas Teológicas de Gregorio de Nacianzo – La presencia del “nous” humano en el Encarnado: razones y consecuencias’ at Santa Croce University on 5th September 2014. His moderator was Rev. Prof. Giulio Maspero.

Walk to Church

Posted on 21. Sep, 2014 by in Carousel


The Irish College participated in the ‘Walk to Church’, an initiative of solidarity to support the displaced Christians and minority communities of Iraq and Syria in a prayerful way on Sunday, 21st September 2014.

A group gathered at the Colosseum at 09.30, and walked together to the 10.00 Mass at the Irish College.

For photos and a video clip, click here.

A Time for Priests 2014

Posted on 13. Sep, 2014 by in Carousel

 A Time for Priests

Priests as Shepherds in the Family of the Church

 15th  – 19th September 2014

P1030616The participating priests with the Irish College formation staff.

The Pontifical Irish College Rome hosted a time of reflection, renewal and relaxation, from 15th to 19th September 2014, for priests, to avail of an opportunity to spend some days in Rome, close to the ministry of Pope Francis and in anticipation of the forthcoming Synod on the family. The course provides participants with an opportunity to visit Rome while deepening their theological awareness through lectures and lived experience of the Church and City.  

 Those leading this year’s course included:

 Fr. Brendan Purcell, Emeritus Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, UCD.

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family.

Fr. Michael Paul Gallagher SJ, Pontifical Gregorian University.

Fr. Tom Norris, Spiritual Director, Pontifical Irish College, Rome.

Liturgies were celebrated each day in the College Chapel with its beautiful Marko Rupnik mosaics and in other Churches and Basilicas in Rome and beyond.  A general  audience with the Holy Father, a trip to Montecassino, a day of reflection and recollection as well as an opportunity to enjoy many of the artistic and cultural delights of Rome formed part of this year’s programme.

For the flyer which was distributed for the 2014 Time for Priests, please click here Time for Priests flyer 2014

For enquiries about the 2015 Time for Priests, please email

A Course for Parishioners 2014

Posted on 12. Sep, 2014 by in Carousel

 The Joy of the Gospel

 Family, Church and Pope Francis; A course for Parishioners

8th – 12th September 2014

Pope Francis family course

During these days in the city of the apostles Peter and Paul, participants were afforded an opportunity to reflect on Pope Francis’ call to live the Joy of the Gospel. The week included a series of talks, liturgies and guided visits to significant Churches and Basilicas in Rome, a day of spiritual recollection and reflection as well as a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Francis at Assisi and an opportunity to attend a General Audience with Pope Francis.

Presentations were given by the following:

  • Msgr. Ciarán O’Carroll (Pontifical Irish College, Rome) visited St. Peter’s Basilica, the Basilica of St. John Lateran and the Church of St. Peter in Chains, and drew together the theme of family in the early centuries of Christian life in Rome. 
  • Dr Patricia Kieran (Mary Immaculate College, Limerick) examined the Pope’s Apostolic Exhortation and its implications for faith formation and the family. 
  • Fr. Tom Norris (Pontifical Irish College, Rome) led a reflection on ‘The Art of Loving – the Secret for Church and Family’. 
  • Fr. George Hayes (Pontifical Irish College, Rome) looked at the use of art and the aesthetic in nurturing one’s relationship with God. 
  • Fr. Hugh Clifford (Pontifical Irish College, Rome) gave input on the area of family, vocation and formation. 

If you wish to express an interest for next year, please telephone the Irish College on the main office number at 00 39 06 772 631 or email 

Pontifical Irish College, Via Dei S.S. Quattro, 1, 00184 Rome

 For the flyer for the course, please click here: Time for Parishioners flyer 2014

To see photographs from the course, click here.

Irish College seminarians serving Pentecost Papal Mass

Posted on 08. Jun, 2014 by in Carousel


The seminarians of the Pontifical Irish College, Rome, served at Pentecost Sunday Mass at St Peter’s Basilica, celebrated by Pope Francis, on 8th June 2014.

To view the video of the Mass, click here and choose ‘video on demand’. Choose language for the commentary.

For photographs of the members of the Irish College seminary community participating in the ceremony, click here.

Doctoral Defence: Fr Samer Soreshow Yohanna

Posted on 05. Jun, 2014 by in Carousel

Doctoral Defence of Fr Samer Soreshow Yohanna


Congratulations to Fr Samer Soreshow Yohanna, O.A.O.C. , from Iraq, of the Irish College postgraduate community, who successfully defended his thesis, ‘The Gospel of Mark in the Syriac Harklean Version: An Edition Based upon the Earliest Witnesses’ at the Pontifical Biblical Institute on 5th June 2014. His moderator was Rev. Prof. Craig Morrison, O.Carm.

To view photographs from the occasion, click here.

Two new Deacons ordained

Posted on 25. May, 2014 by in Carousel

Irish College Deacons

Picture shows: Left to right: Fr Tom Norris (Spiritual Director), Monsignor Ciarán O’Carroll, Rector, Rev. Conor McCarthy (new Deacon, Diocese of Down and Connor), Bishop John Buckley (ordaining Bishop), Rev. Marius O’Reilly (new Deacon, Diocese of Cork and Ross), Fr George Hayes (Vice Rector), Fr Hugh Clifford (Director of Formation).

Two new Deacons ordained

A former marketing consultant, and a music graduate, both students of the Pontifical Irish College in Rome were ordained deacons today by Bishop John Buckley, Bishop of Cork & Ross.  The liturgy was celebrated in the Basilica of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, Rome, a fourth century church which contains relics of the Cross of Christ, brought to Rome by Emperor Constantine’s mother Helena in AD 325.

Reverend Marius O’Reilly (37) from Ballincollig in Cork, and Reverend Conor McCarthy (26) from Finaghy in Belfast, were ordained by Bishop Buckley who travelled to Rome for the occasion.

In a moving ceremony, in which the two new deacons were joined by over one hundred family members and friends who travelled from Ireland, Bishop Buckley reminded the two deacons that, “the purpose of the deacon and priest is to serve God’s people and to bring Good News of the gospel”.  Bishop Buckley continued, “Your ministry needs to reach out to people with that Good News, as Pope Francis has urged us all ‘to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus Christ’; as only in Him will you find the truth and happiness for which they are searching.”

Reverend O’Reilly is a graduate of University College Cork and of the Smurfit Business School of University College Dublin, while Reverend McCarthy is a graduate of Queen’s University Belfast.  The two deacons will be ordained to the priesthood in the next year for service in their respective dioceses of Cork & Ross and Down & Connor.

Monsignor Ciarán O’Carroll, Rector of the Pontifical Irish College, Rome, congratulated the two new deacons and commented that their ordination was a sign of the “continuing courage and generosity of people as they commit themselves to serving the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Pope Francis constantly reminds us that the world needs Good News.  As deacons and future diocesan priests, you are called to be messengers of hope and mercy and proclaimers of the joy of the Gospel.  May God bless you in your ministry.”

To see more photographs from the day, click here.